早稲田大学(早稲田キャンパス)14 号館 603 教室
- 当日の予定
- 10:00-10:10 開場 (開場時間までは教室が施錠されています)
- 10:10-10:15 開会・講師紹介
- 10:15-11:45 講演者:Dr. Kiyong Lee, 高麗大学校言語学科名誉教授
講演題目:Annotating Semantic Information in Natural Language from Texts to Pictures or Maps
講演概要: For the past ten years or so, one of ISO’s working groups, namely ISO/TC 37/SC 4/WG 2, has been developing annotation schemes for marking up some relevant semantic information in natural language. Among them are two semantic annotation schemes, which were published as ISO’s international standards in early 2012: one is ISO-TimeML for the annotation of temporal and event-related information in text, and the other SemAF-DA for the annotation of dialogue acts in (transcribed) dialogues with multimodal information, namely information coming from gestures, facial expression, or tones. Besides these two published ISO standards, there is one newly proposed semantic annotation scheme, named ISO-Space, on spatial and motioninvolving information. Unlike the other two annotation schemes, ISO-Space attempts to extend the target of its annotation task from text to visual objects such as pictures, both still and moving, and maps. Today’s talk focuses on ISO-TimeML and ISO-Space, showing how they can annotate written text as well as visual material such as pictures and maps. At this preliminary state, we should simply assume that annotators are humans, for it could be a totally different problem if we try to develop a program that enables machines to extract semantic information from multimedia data and annotate such information to the given data.
- 11:45-13:15 昼食のため休憩
- 13:15-18:15 The 13th Korea-Japan Workshop on Linguistics and Language Processing: Corpora, Annotation and Human Language Processing
- 会告
- 日時:2012年12月1日土曜日 10:10-11:45 (予定)
- 会場:早稲田大学(早稲田キャンパス)14 号館 603 教室
- 参加費:無料
- 対象:どなたでも参加できます。
- 使用言語:主に英語
- 主催:早稲田大学メディアネットワークセンター(言語情報科学研究部会)
- 協力:早稲田大学 情報教育研究所
- 協力:早稲田大学 言語情報究所
- 事前の申し込み:講演会への参加について事前の申し込みは必要ありません
- 気象状況・交通機関運行状況の影響なども含め、講演会の開催ならびに講演の詳細については予期せぬ変更の可能性も考えられます。
- 会場案内:早稲田キャンパスならびに14号館へのアクセスにつきましては、以下の地図等をご参照ください。
- Copyright © 2012 by Institute for DECODE, except for the title and abstract of the talk announced. All rights reserved.
- First drafted October 12th, 2012. Last revised October 14th, 2012.
- The talk announced in this web page is subject to change without prior notice. The organizers should not be held responsible for any purported damages by prospective participants due to those changes.