Oral and Interactive Sessions:
Original researches in linguistic theory and its application to and/or ramifications for language and speech processing, focusing on Chinese, Korean, Japanese and other languages used in the Pacific-Asia region, have been accepted for oral and interactive sessions.
The most important purpose of this conference is to provide a forum where researchers in different fields of study (such as linguistics, logic, computer science, sotfware engineering, mathematics, philosohpy, etc) in different regions (such as China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Singapore, Thailand, Korea, Japan and elsewhere) working on issues related to different languages (such as Chinese, Korean, Japanese, English, or whatever) can come together and talk, get to know each other, learn old wisdom, be enlightened by new insights and generally get entertained intellectually, and come home ready to initiate a new research program with new research partners in a new state of mind.
We are well aware that around the world and within the Pacific-Asia region, there are more linguistics conferences and workshops than one can care to attend and more NLP meetings than one can submit abstracts to. On the other hand, if you are working on the border of two or more fields, like contrasting Japanese and Korean reciprocals, or working on trilingual corpus of Chinese, English and Russian, sometimes it's hard to get the right kind of audience.
Thus, PACLIC18 aims to be a 'cross-cultural' event. We value hybrid talks on linguistic principles and implementation details, massive data collection and extraction of abstract rules, automated knowledge aquisition and philosophical contemplation, although pure theory and pure technology will also be appreciated. We welcome bi-lingual or multi-lingual research, while due respects will be paid to mono-lingual research.
- PACLIC 19, early December, 2005, Academia Sinica, Taipei
- PACLIC17, October 1-3, 2003, Singapore
PACLIC 17 CFP says, ....
The Conference is an annual meeting of scholars in theoretical and computational linguistics from the Pacific Asia region. This meeting will be held concurrently with O-COCOSDA 2003.
- PACLIC16, January 31-February 2, 2002, Jeju, Korea
PACLIC 16 CFP says, ....
The conference is an annual meeting of scholars in theoretical and computational linguistics from the Pacific Asia region. The aim of the conference is to provide a forum for recent work in various areas of linguistics and is to bring together researchers from various active areas in theoretical and computational linguistics.
- PACLIC15, February 1-3 2001 City University of Hong Kong
PACLIC 15 CFP says, ....
The Conference is an annual meeting of scholars in theoretical and computational linguistics from the Pacific Asia region. |
- PACLIC14, February 15-17, 2000 Waseda University, Tokyo, financially supported by Japan-Korea Cultural Foundation and ACOM Company
PACLIC 14 CFP says, ....
The Pacific Asia Conference on Language, Information and Computation is an annual gathering of scholars and researchers with a wide range of interests in theoretical and computational linguistics. |
- PACLIC 13, February 10-12, 1999, The Grand Hotel, Taipei
PACLIC 13 CFP says, ....
Scope: The Conference is an annual meeting of scholars with a wide range of interest in theoretical and computational linguistics. Papers are invited on substantial, original, and unpublished research on all aspects of theoretical and computational linguistics, including, but not limited to the following. 1.Syntax 2.Corpus linguistics 3.Phonology 4.Natural language processing 5.Pragmatics 6.Semantics 7.Computer applications 8.Discourse and Dialogue analysis 9.Morphology 10.Formal grammar theory. |
- PACLIC 12, February 18-20, 1998, National University of Singapore, Singapore
PACLIC 12 CFP says, ....
The Conference is an annual meeting of scholars with a wide range of interest in theoretical and computational linguistics. The Conference solicits papers treating any field in theoretical and computational linguistics, including syntax, morphology, phonology, semantics, pragmatics, discourse analysis, corpus linguistics, formal grammar theory, natural language processing, and computer applications. |
- PACLIC 11, December 20-22, 1996, Kyung Hee University, Seoul
PACLIC 11 CFP says, ....
The Conference is an annual meeting of scholars with a wide range of interest in theoretical and computational linguistics from the Pacific Asia region. The Conference solicits abstracts treating any field in theoretical and computational linguistics, including syntax, morphology, phonology, semantics, pragmatics, discourse analysis, corpus linguistics, formal grammar theory, natural language processing, and computer applications. |
- PACLIC 10, December 27-28, 1995, City University of Hong Kong
Quoting extensively from PACLIC 10 CFP, ...
It was the consensus of the organisers of the 1994 Joint Conference of the Asian Conference on Language, Information and Computation (ACLIC) and the Pacific Asia Conference on Formal and Computational Linguistics (PACFoCoL) that the two conferences would continue to be held jointly in the future as the Pacific Asia Conference on Language, Information and Computation, with the 1995 conference being numbered the 10th.
This joint conference brings together researchers of diverse background
interested in theoretical and computational linguistics in the Pacific
Asia region. Topics of the conference include theoretical and computational
studies in syntax, morphology, semantics, pragmatics, discourse and dialogue
analysis, corpus linguistics, logic grammars and formal modelling of other
linguistic phenomena. |
- Joint Conferencence: 8th ACLIC/2nd PacFoCoL, August 10-12, 1994, Kyoto, hosted by The Logico-Linguistics Society of Japan, co-hosted by Linguistic Society of Korea, Academia Sinica, and City Polytechnic of Hong Kong, financially supported by Murata Science Foundation and Japan-Korea Cultural Foundation
Quoting extensively from the Joint Conference of the 8th Asian Conference on Language, Information and Computation and the 2nd Pacific Asia Conference on Formal and Computational Linguistics CFP, ...
The Logico-Linguistic Society of Japan is pleased to announce that the 1994 Joint Conference of the 8th ACLIC/the 2nd PacFoCoL is going to be held at Shiran Kaikan in Kyoto on August 10-11, 1994. This is the first effort to bring together the two conferences which have been specifically concerned with the development of milieus conducive to the exchange and mutual understanding of current research trends among the researchers working on theoretical and computational linguistics in this region. Topics of the conference include theoretical and computational studies in syntax, morphology, semantics, pragmatics, discourse and dialogue analysis, corpus linguistics, and logic grammars. Around 20 papers will be presented at plenary sessions. The authors will have 30 minutes for presentation and quesion period. |
- PacFoCoL I, August 30-31, 1993, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan
Quoting from Pacific Asia Conference on Formal and Computational Linguistics (PacFoCoL I) CFP, ...
PACFoCoL will provide an opportunity to further the scholarly exchange among linguists in Pacific Asia region in the areas of formal and computational linguistics and in fostering a cooperative environment for better understanding of the development or new trend in theoretical and computational linguistics in Pacific Asia region.
Topics of the conference include theoretical and computational studies in syntax, semantic, corpus linguistics and contrastive analysis of Pacific Asian languages. |
- 7th Asian Conference on Language, Information, and Computation (The 7th Korea-Japan Joint Workshop on Formal Grammar Theory), August 1-2, 1992, Korea University, Seoul, held in conjunction with SICOL 1992
- The 6th Japanese-Korean Joint Workshop on Formal Linguistics, December 27-29, 1989, Sophia University, Tokyo, organized by The Logico-Linguistics Society of Japan, financially supported by Japan-Korea Cultural Foundation
- The Fifth Korean-Japanese Joint Workshop on Formal Grammar Theory, Yonsei University, Seoul, August 18-21, 1986, supported by the Linguistic Society of Korea
- The 4th Japanese-Korean Joint Workshop / '84 Matsuyama Workshop on Formal Grammar, December 17-19, 1984, Matsuyama University, Matsuyama, organized by The Logico-Linguistics Society of Japan, sponsored by Matsuyama University, IPA, IBM and KDD
- The Third Korean-Japanese Joint Workshop / 1983 Seoul Workshop on Formal Grammar Theory, December 19-21, 1983, Ewha Women's University, Seoul, supported by the Linguistic Society of Korea
- The Second Japanese-Korean Workshop on Formal Grammar, February, 1983.
- The First Korean-Japanese Joint Workshop, January, 1982, Ewha Women's University, Seoul, sponsored by the Linguistic Society of Korea