第 二 日 三 月 二 日 土 曜 日 星 期 六
TST=UTC+8 JST=UTC+9 | 2024/03/02 Saturday |
11:30-11:50 12:30-12:20 | zoom connection and preparations |
11:50-12:50 12:50-13:50 | general session Akira Morita (Waseda University)
| 12:50-13:00 13:50-14:00 | break |
13:00-14:00 14:00-15:00 | International and Global Education
moderator: Yuya Akatsuka (President of Association for International and Global Education)
13:00-13:30 14:00-14:00 | Question-Driven Lessons
Constructivist Approaches and Critical Thinking
Yuya Akatsuka (Sagami Women's University) |
13:30-14:00 14:30-15:00 | Approaches to Teaching and Assessing English in Junior High School:
Towards the Construction of EFL Lessons that Enhance Student Motivation
Tomomi Hirano (Kisarazu Daiichi Junior High School) |
| 14:00-14:10 15:00-15:10 | break |
14:10-15:10 15:10-16:10 | general session: Lisa NABEI (Tokai University)
14:10-14:40 15:10-15:40 | Development of an e-Learning Course to Enhance Doctor-Patient Communication Skills in English
Jun Iwata, Shudong Wang, John Telloyan, Lynne Murphy, Rie Sato (Shimane University)
presentation material: documents-for-2024-03-01-02/JunIwata.pdf |
14:40-15:10 15:40-16:10 | Semantic Familiarity Survey of Polysemous English Phrasal Verbs for Japanese Learners of English
Yu Kanazawa (Osaka U.), Tohru Matsuo (Osaka Jogakuin U.), Yukari Isobe (Kyoto Seika U.), Emiko Izumi (Kwansei Gakuin U.), Shoko Otake (Kobe Gakuin U.), Shuhei Kadota (Kwansei Gakuin U.), Kaori Sugiura (Ritsumeikan U.), & Miwa Morishita (Kobe Gakuin U.)
【資料】: https://let-kansai-fmt-sig.blogspot.com/2024/01/march-2-2024-conference-presentation.html |
| 15:10-15:20 16:10-16:20 | break |
15:20-16:50 16:20-17:50 | special session: 湯山トミ子(東京都立大学)
| 16:50-16:55 17:50-17:55 | closing remarks for JELES-54 Yasushi Tsubota (Kyoto Institute of Technology) |
16:55-17:10 17:55-18:10 | break |
17:10-17:55 18:10-18:55 | parallel sessions for demos, informal exchanges and Q&As [online only]
room_1 | Development of an e-Learning Course to Enhance Doctor-Patient Communication Skills in English
Jun Iwata, Shudong Wang, John Telloyan, Lynne Murphy, Rie Sato (Shimane University)
presentation material: documents-for-2024-03-01-02/JunIwata.pdf |
room_2 | Semantic Familiarity Survey of Polysemous English Phrasal Verbs for Japanese Learners of English
Yu Kanazawa (Osaka U.), Tohru Matsuo (Osaka Jogakuin U.), Yukari Isobe (Kyoto Seika U.), Emiko Izumi (Kwansei Gakuin U.), Shoko Otake (Kobe Gakuin U.), Shuhei Kadota (Kwansei Gakuin U.), Kaori Sugiura (Ritsumeikan U.) & Miwa Morishita (Kobe Gakuin U.)
【資料】: https://let-kansai-fmt-sig.blogspot.com/2024/01/march-2-2024-conference-presentation.html |
room_3 | Integrating ChatGPT for Speaking Practice in a Japanese University English Class
Yukari Takahashi & Shizuko Tomioka (Sanno University)
presentation material: documents-for-2024-03-01-02/Takahashi&Tomioka.pdf |
room_4 | 討議と意見交換:生成AIの利用とマルチリンガル学習
【資料:ファイルの取得にあたり個人情報の入力が必要となる場合がある模様です】: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/6nq5ast63os3iklvc8uk2/.pdf?rlkey=kvu1iy46jgekoaie4w7heiul2&dl=0
【資料】: https://www.canva.com/design/DAF-BQE3guI/2G7qDSQ2xZ8nzHXCUEKtKA/edit?utm_content=DAF-BQE3guI&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link2&utm_source=sharebutton |
room_5 | 英語の児童文学を用いた小学校教員養成課程ワークショップ『アリス』と認識語彙について
【資料】: documents-for-2024-03-01-02/TomokoShigyo.pdf |
room_6 | 英語で乳の食育:CLIL動画教材の開発と実践
カレイラ松崎順子(東京経済大学) |
17:55-18:00 18:55-19:00 | End of Zoom Session |